IYCN was invited to the European Young Chemists Network (EYCN) delegates assembly.During this EYCN DA on the 28th and 29th of April 2016, representatives from 17 chemical societies from all over Europe where gathered in Guimarães, Portugal.
IYCN had the opportunity here to present the idea of IYCN for the first time since sending out the proposal to IUPAC. EYCN DA is a particular interesting event not only because we can present our ideas to our target demographic, but also since we had the opportunity to meet the president of EuCheMS, David Cole-Hamilton, representative from Elsevier and EYCN sponsor, Evonik.
During the DA it was very clear that the delegates showed interest in IYCN and are more than interest in how this project will develop. As to all chemical societies worldwide we promised to reach out to them as soon as the project reaches a more final stage, hopefully later this year.