IYCN presence at 1st TYAN International Thematic Workshop

The first TWAS Young Alumni/Network (TYAN) International Thematic Workshop was hosted at Instituto Tecnológico de Chascomús (INTECH), Chascomús, Argentina on the 23-27th of April 2018. This thematic workshop was focused on photoelectrochemistry combining photochemical and electrochemical concepts of advanced materials. This event was attended by PhD students, post docs and researchers from Argentina, India, Venezuela, Colombia, Egypt, Nigeria, Uzbekistan and Brazil. Our Conference Presence member Prof. Dr. Franco Cabrerizo who was one of the organizers of this workshop , gave a presentation about the IYCN to the audience together with a poster displayed during the poster session where attendees read more about the IYCN's work.

Dr. Franco Cabrerizo's presentation

Communicate - Collaborate - Educate - Mentor

Join the International Younger Chemists Network (IYCN) to connect with a global community of early-career chemists. As a non-profit organization, the IYCN provides opportunities for networking, professional development, and volunteer work. Access like-minded peers, global projects, and experienced mentors in the chemical sciences. Join the IYCN today and help build a global network of early-career chemists towards a sustainable future.