Videos of recent Workshops were uploaded to the IUPAC Youtube channel!

The recordings of the last IYCN Series of Workshops on Professional Development Skills are available now on the IUPAC YouTube channel:
👉Building a Successful Online Presence:
👉Diversity and Inclusion across the Chem. Sciences: Challenges&Opportunities:
Check them out and share them!
Build Online Presence

Communicate - Collaborate - Educate - Mentor

Join the International Younger Chemists Network (IYCN) to connect with a global community of early-career chemists. As a non-profit organization, the IYCN provides opportunities for networking, professional development, and volunteer work. Access like-minded peers, global projects, and experienced mentors in the chemical sciences. Join the IYCN today and help build a global network of early-career chemists towards a sustainable future.