Reminder: IYCN Workshop - Management of Science and Innovation

🔜 Want to learn how to protect your product/technology/innovation and in general, manage R&D innovation?
Join @IntlYoungerChem @SoHatz @ceadunne in the upcoming workshop:
🖥️ Management of Science and Innovation
📅 March 31
🕓 4-5:30 pm CET
👉 FREE registration:
Science Management

Vienna Doctoral School Positions

The Vienna Doctoral School in Chemistry of the University of Vienna offers 16 fully funded PhD positions to be filled starting early summer of 2022 and later.
The PhD projects cover all chemical sciences. For more detailed info and to submit your application, visit here.
Vienna Doctoral School

Upcoming IYCN Workshop: Management of Science & Innovation

🔜Wanna learn how to protect your product/technology/innovation and manage R&D innovation?
Join @IntlYoungerChem @SoHatz @ceadunne in the upcoming workshop:
🖥️Management of Science and Innovation
📅March 31
🕓4-5:30 pm CET
👉FREE registration:
Science Management

15th IYCN Newsletter

The latest IYCN Newsletter issue is here!
Find the Greeting from our Executive Board, information for the 2022 IYCN Outreach Competition, our partnership with Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, and additional news and upcoming events!

Communicate - Collaborate - Educate - Mentor

Join the International Younger Chemists Network (IYCN) to connect with a global community of early-career chemists. As a non-profit organization, the IYCN provides opportunities for networking, professional development, and volunteer work. Access like-minded peers, global projects, and experienced mentors in the chemical sciences. Join the IYCN today and help build a global network of early-career chemists towards a sustainable future.