In our latest newsletter, the Executive Board comments on the March of Science and among other articles, you can find a report about the IYCN presences at the 3rd Annual Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS) Nigeria International Chemical Sciences Chapter and the Frühjahrssymposium in Konstanz, Germany. Enjoy reading!
IYCN co-organised the poster session at the 3rd Annual Symposium of ACS Nigeria International Chemic
As co-organiser of the poster session, IYCN provided two representatives for judging the presenters at at the 3rd Annual Symposium of ACS Nigeria International Chemical Sciences Chapter. While a third one was ACS representative accompanied by Chemists on tour. At the end of the evaluations, two winners from the two categories emerged: 1) Undergraduate winner: Miss Hamzat Adejoke Temitope from University of Ilorin, Nigeria with an article titled ”Determination of Cadmium in eight Nigeria foodstuffs from different markets in Nigeria”. 2) Post-graduate winner: Miss Inemesid Etuk from University of Uyo, Nigeria, with an article titled ”Distribution and ecological risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments of different tropical water ecosystems in Niger Delta, Nigeria”.
The 20th Northeast Student Chemistry Research Conference was hosted this year at Northeastern University's brand new Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex. Every year the Northeastern Section Younger Chemists Committee (NSYCC) organizes a full-day event for post-docs, graduate students, and undergraduates in the region to gain experience in conference presentations. This is intended to prepare the attendees for presenting at larger conferences and practice talking about their science. This year there were over 120 attendees, 6 oral and 72 poster presentations. Vice-Chair Dr. Lori Ferrins served as a judge for the event and Conference Presence Chair Catherine Rawlins and fellow member Caitlyn Mills were two of the main organizers. Catherine gave a 5 minute elevator speech about the IYCN to the audience in addition to having a poster about IYCN on display for the duration of the event. The conference was a huge success and we hope to have an IYCN presence again next year! recently featured an article with the IYCN Board. They speak about the founding of IYCN, our key activities, and the future of chemistry.
We are very delighted to be able to present the 2nd IYCN Newsletter on our webpage. In this issue, Hooi-Ling Lee reports about the IYCN at the ICYC2017 in Malaysia, new volunteers are introduced and information about the IYCN-IUPAC relationship is given. Thanks to editor Sebastian Weber and all contributors!
If you want to contribute to the IYCN newsletter, please be referred to the submission guidelines on Dropbox or contact the following mail address:
We would like to encourage you all to provide us with interesting content about your work in the subcommittees, presence of IYCN at conferences, ideas for a fruitful inter- national cooperation, your visions for the network, and/or interesting reports about IYCN related topics. Only with your help we can establish an interesting newsletter which provides you useful information about the organization and recent progress within.