Call for a Web Designer

The IYCN is looking for a Web Designer.
Are you interested in in refreshing the design of the IYCN website ( or do you have ideas how to make it more attractive?
Complete the application below before September 14:
Call WebDesigner

Call for a Social Media Committee Leader

The IYCN is looking for someone to lead our Social Media Committee.
Are you interested in coordinating the online presence and promoting the visibility of the IYCN?
Complete the application below before September 14:
Call SM Lead

IYCN General Assembly 2022

Last Sunday, Aug. 14th, the IYCN General Assembly took place online with 92 delegates from 66 countries.
We discussed the past and current projects and shared our plans for the future. We thank everyone for their active participation!
The newly elected Board will be announced shortly. #YoungChemist
IYCN GA 2022IYCN GA 2022

Latin American Women in Chemistry Awards

Attention to all amazing women in Chemistry!
The American Chemical Society (ACS, @amerchemsociety) and the Latin American Federation of Chemical Associations seek nominations for the 2022 Latin American Women in Chemistry Awards.

2nd Reminder: Global Conversation on Sustainability (GCS)

Again, we are inviting everyone to participate in the Global Conversation on Sustainability (GCS)
The GCS aims to bring the chemistry community together yearly, to discuss sustainability towards a common good.
The idea is on Sep. 25th, globally, individuals, teams, organizations, or companies organize events devoted to this conversation.
Register your events and join us!
GCS Event reminder

Communicate - Collaborate - Educate - Mentor

Join the International Younger Chemists Network (IYCN) to connect with a global community of early-career chemists. As a non-profit organization, the IYCN provides opportunities for networking, professional development, and volunteer work. Access like-minded peers, global projects, and experienced mentors in the chemical sciences. Join the IYCN today and help build a global network of early-career chemists towards a sustainable future.